Friday, 11 April 2014

What the Cards Said...I Think

So the last two "weekly practice" things I've done for IDGAF have actually been tarot readings, and inspired by Drew's recent video, I figured I'd share the one I did for today's weekly working.

Just as a disclaimer, I'm no tarot expert, but I do enjoy dabbling here and there. I still need to get the interpretations from books in order to do my readings, but today was the first time I was able to put it all together into something that makes sense to me. I kind of think that tarot readings should tell a story (I guess, depending on the reading), but I never really took the time to sit down and put all the meanings together to try and make sense of them until now. I think it went really well.

I used the "Who I am now and where I'm going" spread from The Tarot Bible by Sarah Bartlett (on pg 274 if you're interested), and I used Tarot Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis to help me do the interpreting. I could have cross-referenced with the Tarot Bible if I wanted to, which is what I normally do, but this time I didn't. Anyway, this is what my spread looked like once I flipped everything over:

So I'm sure you can't quite make out all the cards from this photo, so I took close-up shots of each card so you can get the details. I'm using the Hanson Roberts deck in this reading.

Card 1 is in the middle of the spread, with card 2 turned sideways on top of it. Card 3 is in the top left-hand corner, card 4 is in the top right, and cards 5-7 are along the bottom, going from left to right. Card 1 is supposed to represent "who I am now", card 2 - "what I don't know about myself", card 3 - "What I need to relinquish", card 4 - "what I need to develop", card 5 - "what I'd love to become", card 6 - "current quest", and card 7 - "where it will lead me". This is how it played out:

In this reading 3 "rods" (in other decks they might be called "wands") came up, which is something I thought was significant, so it was one of the first things I looked at. I thought that the presence of many rods could suggest that this layout likely concerns business matters or career issues, especially pertaining to new ventures, enterprises or projects that might pop up that are related to work in some way. I didn't ask anything specific as I was shuffling the deck, I just kept thinking "who am I now and where am I going?" So with that in mind...

Card 1 - Who I am Now

So right now it would seem as though I'm in for a possible sudden and somewhat disruptive change - a change that could be dramatic and shocking - probably related to my job in some way - that may force me to question long-held beliefs or values and could shake the foundation of what I know to be 'true'. The card itself looks very unsettling, and when I flipped it over my first thought was "oh god". At least I have some warning though, right?

Card 2 - What I Don't Know About Myself

What I don't realize is how far I'm willing to go for something, and how determined I am to overcome any obstacles I face. I also don't realize how capable I am to stand up for and defend myself against these things. I might have one last roadblock standing in the way of me reaching my goal, but when the time is right, I have the courage and determination that I don't know I have that will help me reach my goal.

Card 3 - What I Need to Relinquish 

What I need to give up or let go seems to be more of a person than a thing. This person is likely a male in some kind of a leadership or entrepreneurial role. He is a skilled communicator that is honest, trustworthy, and professional. He is also likely to be optimistic, fun-loving, passionate, and generous, but he may dislike details and is prone to hasty action. 

Card 4 - What I Need to Develop

This was another card I kind of recoiled at when I flipped over. Normally it's not a very good card to get, as you can see from the image itself. In this case, however, I was having a lot of trouble figuring out how it made any sense in this point in reading, so I think that it may also be referring to a person rather than the qualities of the card. It could be suggesting that I need to develop more of a backbone, so-to-speak, and become less sensitive to criticism and the slights of others. It also could be that I need to develop a relationship with someone or help someone who is plagued by fear, guilt, doubts and worries that are to a large extent unfounded. It could be a person dealing with a problematic or difficult situation in which they feel their nightmares are becoming a reality.

Card 5 - What I'd Love to Become

Again, this is another card that most people hate to see pop up in a spread, but I really don't mind it at all. In this case, it seems as though it's more of a "what I'd like to see happen" than a "what I'd like to become" though, because I'm not sure that you can become change or transformation. Anyway, it seems like a situation might be coming to an end with a new one "dawning" so-to-speak. This card is all about endings and new beginnings, so a loss is possible (in this case, maybe a job) in order to make way for something new. A major change looks like it's about to take place - transformation is imminent. 

Card 6 - Current Quest

It looks like my current quest is actually an opportunity or an invitation in which new relationships might play a role. There might be an offer that is hard to resist. This opportunity or invitation might lead me to "follow my dreams" or to "dream the impossible". It could be an offer that leads to new experiences. 

Card 7 - Where it Will Lead Me

It looks like this "quest" will lead me to a successful enterprise, or to something in which I may end up a "career woman". There were a lot of qualities of this card that could very well represent me, but this card also had a lot of business success connotations attached to it.

So this was a very interesting reading for me. I got a lot of cards that are kind of jarring to see when they come up, but it doesn't seem as though it's all doom and gloom in this case. Kind of the opposite, really. I'm taking from this reading that it's very possible a dramatic career change could happen, with a positive outcome, but not without some "roadblocks" to surmount. 

Stay tuned for a forthcoming update in which I plan to compare the 3 decks of tarot cards I own and why I chose each of them. Buenas noches, amigos! 

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