Happy Earth Day everyone!
I know it's not likely a gorgeous day everywhere, but here it's absolutely wonderful. I'm hopeful to be able to go out for a bit after work and enjoy it while it lasts.
I really feel like I've been slacking a lot lately, and I know I posted this before, but it seems to only have gotten worse with the advent of nicer weather. I think I'm really going to have to challenge myself to set aside some reading time soon. So, with that in mind, I figured I'd come on here and post about last week's blog prompt, so I don't have multiple ones in the same post. Here goes!
What's your favourite part of your practice and why?
I'm not sure that I can say I have a favourite part, to be honest. I really enjoy having an altar set up again though, and I like the layout I currently have for it. It's nice to have a spot to call my own, where I can go to practice when I want.
I also enjoy getting outside whenever I can, and I like to somehow incorporate rituals to suit the outdoors where possible. I love going for walks, and I think that being able to go into a wooded area and walk around somehow helps me to connect/reconnect on a subconscious level. Most of the time when I'm out for a walk I just walk - enjoying all the wildlife and scenery that surrounds me - and I don't really think about anything aside from just being there, at that precise moment. So, I guess in a way, that's kind of like a meditative practice in that I'm leaving everything behind and just being in the moment of wherever I happen to be. So maybe that could be my favourite part of my practice?
I really enjoy working with tarot as well though, but more on a "for fun" level, and not so much as an overly serious thing, just because I'm so "new" to it. I like exploring the elements too though, on a more physical level...so I guess there's lots about my practice that I enjoy, but nothing that I can really pin-point as a favourite part, aside from going on walks.
Caio for now!
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