Today is the day I get to tell you about the "IDGAF Project" I've been working on as of late.
IDGAF is a new eclectic (witchcraft) tradition that I co-founded with 3 friends. This is my take on it:
IDGAF is a free non-hierarchal initiatory tradition that focuses on being an active participant in your spirituality, with continual learning at its core. Land stewardship also plays an important role. It is accessible and inclusionary, open to anyone of any background, regardless of what traditions you're currently a part of or what deities you associate with. We only ask that you be an active participant in your spirituality - you won't find any "Sunday Pagans" here.
Sound interesting? I'm sure you're wondering about something...
Yes IDGAF stands for "I Don't Give A Fuck".
We were/are tired with the rigid structures and inaccessibility of many modern Witchcraft traditions, and felt like there was too much pressure on what you should and shouldn't do, or what other people are or aren't we decided that in an expression of empowerment and celebrating the freedom to do what you want, we named our tradition the "I Don't Give A Fuck" tradition, or IDGAF for short. It's not meant to be flippant, but more tongue-in-cheek. To quote our site "It's throwing off the expectations of others, it's bypassing the drama and infighting and coming to a place where we can all just celebrate what it means to be spiritual, whatever colour we choose to call it".
I realize that we will likely loose the interest of some people because of the name, because people may not take us seriously when they find out what IDGAF stands for. In fact, we've already had a bit of backlash because of the name. Don't judge a book by its cover.
Heather, a co-founder, actually put it perfectly in her blog post today:
"IDGAF is not about being flippant. We aren't joking. It's also not about being callous, uncaring towards others, or negative towards the community. You can care about others, be kind, considerate, and polite, but not care what others think about you.
We saw a void and we filled it.
There is a considerable push and expectation towards being "initiated" - it gives you "street cred", it gives you belonging. But so many initiatory traditions are closed; or they are for followers of a certain path only; or they are expensive, costing a lot of actual money or amounts of time and dedication that some people just can't manage. This doesn't make them bad. If you can afford the money, are willing and able to dedicate the time, if you walk that path or know the right people; may you find learning and fulfillment there. These traditions are not for everyone. Neither is ours.
We wanted to create something accessible. It's free, it's eclectic, and it's tongue-in-cheek. We don't give a fuck what specific spirituality you practice, as long as you Practice. We don't care what gods you work with, so long as you work with them and don't leave them gathering dust. We don't care what learning interests you, so long as you learn. We're after your dedication, not your dogma.
"I don't give a fuck" is meant otbe a statement of personal power, presented in a friendly, saucy, informal way.
I don't five a fuck. I am who I am. What calls to me, calls. I walk my own path.
That's what we mean.
There will always be those who tell you "you can't". IDGAF is your statement, your declaration, your affirmation: "FUCK YOU". Yes I can!"
I'm excited to see who chooses to walk with us, who can look past our silly saucy name and see our intention. In intention and purpose is our power."
And so, here I am. This blog will serve as a place where I can post about my initiation process, hence the "Book" pages you'll see on the right. It's a place where I can come to vent about issues I might be having, or to share something I've experienced, or to just share my views on something in general. So today, I leave you with that.
Oh! Happy Ostara (spring)!
Here's the link to our site, just in case you're interested: IDGAF
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