Tuesday, 4 March 2014

A New Direction

So over the next 6 months I will be reading at least 6 pagan-esque books, and I will be using this space to talk about what I'm reading and my thoughts on those books. I will also be using this space to blog about stuff I'm doing for that IDGAF project I mentioned last night. I can't say much about it just yet, but hang tight and then I'll explain what I'm doing a bit more. For now though, things may seem kind of random and out of the blue, so just bare with me.

I'd just like to put it out there that, because I didn't start this until right now, it doesn't mean that today was my first day starting things, but just that it wast the first day of me realizing that I could use this space for this purpose.

I started reading my first book last Friday (Feb 28), and what I've read so far I've really enjoyed. I'll see what I can do to set up a page for that specific book, and the subsequent books I read, just so stuff isn't quite as all over the place on this "main page". I've gotta run for now!

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