Sunday, 8 March 2015

More Changes

I can feel the winds of change; they're rattling the windows, begging to be let in.

I know I'm not the only one they're after.

Maybe it's this time of year - things are slowly starting to wake up and break free from their icy 'prisons'. Maybe it's just in the air.

It's already started at my work. One pharmacist has left (because he got his own store in Ontario) and another one is leaving in the fall (her husband got posted in Ontario and he is leaving next month). One of our two assistant manager's left us as well (because she also got her own store). We've got one new pharmacist, and the assistant manager just got announced last week. We will now need a new receiver and another new pharmacist. Change is ripping through my workplace with a mighty fury, and I welcome it - but it doesn't mean I like what I see. The store I now work at is but a former shell of what it was before the assistant left, and I don't like what it's becoming in the wake of her absence. I've felt like I needed to move on for about a year, but now it's becoming more and more evident that my time in my current role is almost up.

I can feel myself waking up spiritually too. Not in the same sense that I did a year ago when IDGAF first became a thing - it's more than that. Something is stirring deep within me that has been longing to be let out for years. An inner power, or strength that's been pushed down and glossed over. The more I look for my roots, the more I'm digging up - the more I'm becoming who I know I am, who I'm supposed to be. I'm not afraid any more. I welcome this change, and embrace it like an old friend.

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