Saturday, 2 August 2014

To Everything There Is A Season

I hope everyone had a happy Lammas/Imbolc!

Firstly, I have to say how sad I was to learn of Margot Adler's passing last week. I had no idea she had been ill, and I just found it really ironic that I chose her book to be my last IDGAF book. I was not expecting to enjoy it as I have been, and I think that by the time I'm done it, I will be amongst the people feeling the loss of this influential and highly respected lady.

I also have to mention that the book store I used to work at is closing at the end of this month, or when the stock sells out. I've been going back occasionally for the past year or so when they've been in a bit of a pickle for staff. I knew it was coming, or rather, had an inkling it was coming, and yet I still find myself shaking my head in disbelief every now and then. Nothing can last forever, I know this, and I also realize that everything really does have its season, but I just can't help being sad about it sometimes. I practically grew up at this store - it was my first ever job, and I have a lot of emotional ties to it. Heck, it was in this book store that I met my wife. It means a lot to me, and to see it close...well, it just sucks! I understand why it's closing, and I have to say that I am very happy for the owners to be moving on to things that they've been wanting to do for a while, but it is very bittersweet in the end. It's also a huge loss to the local community, as this is pretty much the only local store that sells pagan-related goods. There are two other stores, which is fantastic, but they just don't have the selection and atmosphere that this store does. I also don't think that the local community realizes just how much they will miss this place when its gone, and the huge gaping void that will be left in its wake. Maybe it's just my emotions talking though. Maybe, just maybe, something will rise up in its place though...the universe works in strange ways sometimes.

I also can't believe we're now in to our last month of IDGAF initiatory studies, and that we're just starting to get the first bits of veggies from our little deck garden. In fact, tonight we had the first few green beans from one of our plants. It's crazy how quickly time seems to be passing.

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