In recent weeks I've noticed the days getting shorter - instead of waking up to the sun I now watch the sun as it wakes up. There has been a chill on the breeze, despite the last threads of heat clinging to air. The leaves on the trees in the marsh have started to blaze with colour. Fall is here. Change is in the air.
I find myself wondering how many others are noticing these things. Am I the only one that, by the end of the summer, feels stuck...stagnant? I've never noticed it before, but for some reason this realization has recently set in. Not only do I look forward to wearing jeans and hoodies, and eating tasty baked goods, but I find that the fall brings a renewal of sorts, that I look forward to most of all.
I've been a "bad" pagan lately. I let myself get caught up in the mundane hustle and bustle of everyday life. I almost turned a blind eye to the "world" around me, instead, focusing on how I was going to pay these bills or how I was going to make time for that appointment. I lost track of who I was. I'm not sure how I got back on track again, but now that I have, I've found myself wanting more...
My wife is also pagan, but we do things very different spiritually. It's a big help, having similar beliefs, but its hard trying to do stuff, just the two of us. Our friends that live down the hall are also pagan. Sometimes we get together with them to do stuff, which is fantastic, but we haven't done anything in a long time, and I miss it. My problem is that I don't really know what I want to do, and I know I'm not alone in this. So, here I am, creating a pagan blog, outside of my comfort zone. I hope to use this space as a sort of kick-starter. Any musings or "pearls of wisdom" I hope to post here, along with any activities, recipes, books, or articles I find particularly interesting. So, welcome to my blog. Welcome to autumn, and welcome to change. Let the seasons transform you inside and out. Enjoy!
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