I'm finally starting to feel back to normal again - I came down with a cold/flu type thing about a week ago today, actually. The worst part about it was that it totally zapped my energy. I mean, zapped. It was very strange too - normally when I get something it starts in my sinuses and goes in to my chest after a few days, but this was the total opposite. The thing that makes matters even worse when I get sick, is that for some really strange reason, I go from sleeping really well to sleeping quite terribly. I'm not sure if it's that the cold pills that usually make people sleepy, actually have the opposite affect on me, or if it's because I'm coughing or my nose is stuffed or what, but I was lucky to get a few hours sleep a night, it felt like. But, come morning time, I could sleep like a baby. I wonder if it's because when I get sick my system gets completely thrown off and some things work backwards?
Anyway, because I was feeling so terribly for the past week it was a chore for me to do just about anything, and that includes writing or doing anything remotely witchy. I mean, I had to force myself to type up my homework, and the only motivating factor for me to do anything over the past few days even (because I still felt poorly until today) was because my mom had a knee replacement on Monday. I feel okay speaking about it now because it's already happened, and I'm pretty sure other family members know now. She forbad me to speak about it to anyone until after it had happened, so I had to keep quiet.
I had a great daily practice happening before I got sick though, and then it all went to shit. Now that I'm feeling more myself, I'm feeling like I can finally get back to things.
It has me wondering though...what happens, on an energetic level, when we get sick? Like...physically our bodies are fighting off the virus or whatever it is, so there are many biological processes happening to make sure that we fight off whatever is invading our system, and that's the reason we might get fevers or feel so tired and worn out, but on an energetic level, what is happening? Is the virus impeding our ability to 'transmit' our unique signal out in to the universe or something? Does it change the frequency at which we vibrate, thereby having an impact on something? I dunno...maybe that's all just crazy talk, but if there are biological processes happening, then maybe there are energetic ones happening too? And maybe it's the combination of the two that makes us feel so off when we come down with something? And - if that is the case - shouldn't we be able to somehow be less affected by it if we can recognize what's happening? But...if you just don't have the energy to muster in the physical sense, then how could you have the energy to do something in the non-physical sense...if that makes sense at all?
All very intriguing thoughts to me.
In other news, I've downloaded an app called DuoLingo and I'm starting...key word is starting...to learn Irish. It's slow going, but I'm starting to recognize some patterns I think. It's actually kind of fun! It's just 5 or 10 minutes a day, but I really look forward to it. There are a bunch of different languages on it, so that's pretty cool, I think. I might try another language at some point when I feel like I can devote more time to it. I don't want to start this and then let my W1 stuff slide because of it. I'm actually trying to incorporate it in somehow...like, doing a lesson as a part of my daily practice.
Anyway, I think I'm going to head off for the night. There's a ChipsAhoy! cream egg with my name on it, and I still have to do today's language lesson.
Happy March!
Until next time!