So I wrote this on my phone while I was sitting on a bench along the Halifax Waterfront, and my mind was just wondering. I was thinking about how much I love my city, and then this popped into my head. It's short and sweet, but I thought someone might enjoy it, so here it is:
I am of the Ocean - it's in me like the blood that flows through my veins. The ebb and flow of the tides and the crashing waves soothe my soul like a mother's lullaby. The raging storms and rocky seas are a constant reminder of the harsh reality of life near the water - She gives life as easily as She snatches it away. The salt air revitalizes me - tells me I'm home. I could never live far from the water. I would feel trapped, cadged in and suffocating on the dry, heavy air. I am of the Ocean, and She is of me.
I am also of the Earth. My roots grow thick and run deep, like a wise tree bearing witness to the changing times. The green vitality of the living Earth breathes life into my being every second of the day. My internal cycles are reflected in the seasonal changes observed in the wild world around me. The deep forests teaming with life are where I long to be - living in harmony with the plants and animals surrounding me. Like the Ocean, the Earth can be cruel and unforgiving - only the strong survive. I am of the Earth, and She is of me.

Sunday, 19 April 2015
Monday, 13 April 2015
Springing into the Season
Just a quick update for the curious.
Spring has finally starting to, well, spring in my neck of the woods. It sure took its sweet time about it too! We still have giant snow banks though, despite all the melting that's been happening over the past few days. The fantastic news, however, is that the sidewalks are now mostly clear of snow and ice and the snowbanks are slowly going down. We're coming into what I like to call "the dirty season". This is when the snowbanks are black from all the dirt and soot and whatever else on the road, and the melting snow starts to reveal the grossness of city life, like small caches of cigarette butts, piles and baggies of dog poo, and just lots of random bits of garbage like car fenders or plastic bottles. Aah yes, Spring has sprung.
We started to arrange our household altar in a more seasonally appropriate manner today, which is something we've been meaning to do for a little bit. It's not quite done yet, but here's an in-progress shot:
Spring has finally starting to, well, spring in my neck of the woods. It sure took its sweet time about it too! We still have giant snow banks though, despite all the melting that's been happening over the past few days. The fantastic news, however, is that the sidewalks are now mostly clear of snow and ice and the snowbanks are slowly going down. We're coming into what I like to call "the dirty season". This is when the snowbanks are black from all the dirt and soot and whatever else on the road, and the melting snow starts to reveal the grossness of city life, like small caches of cigarette butts, piles and baggies of dog poo, and just lots of random bits of garbage like car fenders or plastic bottles. Aah yes, Spring has sprung.
We started to arrange our household altar in a more seasonally appropriate manner today, which is something we've been meaning to do for a little bit. It's not quite done yet, but here's an in-progress shot:
I'm also pretty excited at the prospect of a going to a Christopher Penczak workshop that was recently announced. It's coming up later on in the year and is based off of his book The Mighty Dead. It sounds like it's something right up my ally. It's not cheap though, so I'm having a hard time swallowing the cost, but I think I'll end up going anyway. This will be the first time he's come our way so is kind of a big deal, since, as you know, I'm a fan of his Temple series. I think it would be great a opportunity and I would be pretty bummed if I wasn't able to go.
In other exciting news, we have an IDGAF dedicant nearing the end of his 6-month study period! He's a good friend of mine, and a real keener, so I'm not surprised he's gone through it like he has. I'm really happy that he's found his way, in a manner of speaking, and it's been really great to see the transformations he's gone through. He's like a brother to me, so it's pretty cool to see how far he's come - it makes me really proud.
Other than that not too much is going on in my little sphere. There were some unfortunate events that reaffirmed my disappointment in our local community, so that kind of sucked. These are my general comments/thoughts on the matter:
I like to be optimistic on the whole, however, I will continue to keep to myself until I see or hear a reason to do otherwise. I'll keep associating with those I wish to, and everyone else can continue doing as they do in their own way. After all, that's life. As a general rule though, I like form my own opinions based on the interactions I observe during the things I'm involved in. If I overhear someone being an asshole or a bigot or homophobic or whatever, chances are, I'm going to stay away. If, on the other hand, you seem like a decent human being, I'll give you a chance. Those are the rules I play by. I'm quiet and I observe, and then I act accordingly.
Sorry for that slight deviation...getting back on track...
I feel like things are looking up on the whole though. My wife just got a new position in her company, the snow is melting, the temperatures are getting warmer, and the sunsets are getting later. The wheel continues to turn, giving us new life and spring, and at the same time bringing the harvests and introspection to others.
For us, it's the time to get out of the house and stretch our legs. To feel the heat of the sun retuning and start planting our seedlings. For me, it's a time to get cracking on the job front, start the creative projects that have been waiting for me, and get back outside again. I can feel the energies around me waking up, and it's about time I do the same.
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